Monday, January 9, 2012

HVAC baffle box implementation

All 5 baffle boxes have been built and installed. This took around 35 hours with the help of a friend. If everything went smoothly, it could have taken around 25-30 hours. However, installing these things in tight spaces can take time, and on a couple of occasions we found a problem at the end and had to remove the box and fix the problem.

From Basement

Pictures of various baffles being built can be viewed in the photo album. The basic process was as follows:
  1. Cut box pieces out of MDF using dimensions from pre-designed "Google Sketchups".
  2. Cut holes in MDF where necessary (I used a jigsaw).
  3. Build boxes minus one side so insulation and baffles can be installed. Predrill screw holes to avoid cracking in MDF.
  4. Apply acoustic caulk to all interior edges.
  5. Cut rigid insulation pieces to size and glue into place with spray adhesive.
  6. Paint duct sealant over all edges and exposed fiberglass to ensure no fiberglass will enter the airstream.
  7. Install baffle box and attach ducts.
  8. Install final face of box and do any last minute sealing.
  9. Turn on HVAC system to ensure proper airflow (one of the boxes had weak airflow caused by a duct being bent too sharply. We had to pull the box out and trim the duct connector).
From Basement

In the photo album you will see that the recording studio return baffle box is installed in the room space instead of hidden behind a wall. This is because there was no room to hide the box. The baffle box will be drywalled over.

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